Thanksgiving is by far one of America’s favorite holidays. It is a time filled with gratitude and great food. It is also the official start of the holiday season. This time of year wouldn’t be so joyous without truck drivers. As we experienced during the pandemic, life would be remarkably different if trucks stopped.
Everything in your Thanksgiving feast, from the cranberries and mashed potatoes to the iconic turkey, was delivered by truck drivers. When you consider how much food is eaten on Thanksgiving, you soon realize it takes a lot of truck drivers to make this holiday possible.
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving in America without the centerpiece of any feast, the turkey. According to the National Turkey Federation, approximately 46 million turkeys are eaten every Thanksgiving. Those turkeys don’t get from the farm to the table on their own! Months before Thanksgiving, they are loaded on trucks and delivered by CDL drivers.
Second only to Turkey, as a Thanksgiving favorite, is pumpkin pie. It seems that the popularity of pumpkin flavored foods has grown in the last decade increasing demand for this winter squash. In fact, America grows approximately 1.5 billion lbs of pumpkin each year. Pumpkins are grown in the warm season and ready to ship to stores across the county in early Fall. Transporting pumpkins requires extra care and a temperature-controlled truck. Truck drivers ensure they deliver their loads of pumpkins in time for Thanksgiving.
Often found mashed and topped with marshmallows during Thanksgiving, the sweet potato is one of the most nutritious vegetables. Did you know 20% of all sweet potatoes in the U.S. are grown in Louisiana? They are then delivered by trucks to stores across the U.S. Unlike their cousin the pumpkin, sweet potatoes are easier to transport.
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without traditional cranberry sauce. This sweet red berry is only one of three fruits native to North America and is grown in just five states. Did you know Wisconsin is the leading grower of cranberries? Each year Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington produce nearly 400 million pounds of Cranberries. And during the holiday season, American’s eat nearly 20% off all the cranberries grown.
As you enjoy Thanksgiving this year, give a little extra appreciation to America’s truck drivers who deliver Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving by the Numbers