CDL Training

Driven To Success: Victor Zepeda


Each month we’ll be sharing a CDL student success story in our new blog series Driven to Success. We’ll explore not only how they obtained their CDL license, but also the impact it had on their lives and career.

CDL Truck Driver Training Student Victor

Victor’s story in trucking begins two years ago in Miami, FL., where he was working as a landscaper. In the evenings and on weekends he was also driving for Uber and Lyft. “I was busting my butt, working seven days a week and I still couldn’t pay my bills,” remembers Victor.”

Victor found himself in debt, barely able to pay his bills with no clear sign of how he was going to improve his life. He had often thought about getting his CDL, but wasn’t sure how he would pay for training. “For years my friends told me to get my CDL. I finally listened to them,” he laughs. 

Victor applied to MTC Truck Driver Training in Hazelwood, MO., and was accepted into the CDL Sponsorship Program with a partner carrier. “If MTC hadn’t accepted me and helped with with the sponsorship program I wouldn’t be where I am today. I had no money and was so scared to take the leap. But I knew if I didn’t do it, I might not get another chance.”

Through the School’s CDL Sponsorship program Victor applied and received a loan to pay for CDL training. Upon graduation, Victor went to work for his sponsor carrier and when he completed his short work agreement obligation his training loan was paid off much earlier because of the matching sponsor payments. A process that not only helped Victor get the job he wanted, but also improved his credit score. “Without the carrier’s assistance this opportunity wouldn’t have been available to me,” says Victor. 

“Next month my loan will be paid off,” he says. “I love my job. I drive on a dedicated account that gets more home more to see my girlfriend.”

Victor now lives in California and has been paying off his debt and building his credit. “I didn’t know how to manage my money before. I am so much more careful before I buy anything now,” he says. “The steady higher income is helping me get out of debt and pay my bills. I wanted a different life and I got it.”

Victor is quick to say that getting his CDL wasn’t easy, but definitely attainable for anyone if you have the right mindset. 

“When I went to MTC this was my one shot and I wanted a different life. I went there knowing I had to do this because I wasn’t going back to cutting grass.”

While at training in Hazelwood, Victor said he put in a lot of effort and took it very seriously. “At night after we all went back to the hotel I wasn’t hanging out having fun. I was in my room studying and practicing pre-trips.”

During training Victor struggled at first with the alley-dock maneuver and was worried he wouldn’t pass. “The trainers we amazing and really good people. When I had trouble they took be aside and assigned me a one-on-one trainer. We practiced that maneuverer all afternoon until I got it. They wanted me to succeed.”

So, what’s next for Victor? His goal is to continue paying off debt and in the near future purchase a truck to expand his career in trucking. 

Thank you, Victor, for sharing your CDL student success story with us. A lot of hard work and a second chance can be life changing. 

Learn More About CDL Training

Our CDL Sponsorship program is just one way to help fund your education. Visit our tuition page to learn more about how affordable CDL training can be or fill out the interest form below and a career specialist will contact you. 

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