Texas CDL Practice Tests
Free Texas CDL Practice Tests
Use our free Texas CDL practice tests to prepare for the CDL written exam. We offer a practice test for each of the three parts of the exam, including General Knowledge, Air Brakes and Combination Vehicles. These CDL practice tests simulate the types of questions you might see when you take the tests at the DMV office. Take these free CDL practice tests as often as you like to improve your score.

CDL General Knowledge Practice Test

Combination Vehicle Practice Test

Air Brakes Practice Test
Free Texas CDL Practice Tests
What’s on the Texas CDL Permit Exam?
Wondering what’s on the written portion of the Texas CDL permit exam or CDL test? The test is comprised of multiple-choice questions that assess your knowledge of driving a commercial vehicle. This includes everything from driving laws to operating your vehicle in different situations and knowing how to inspect and ensure you vehicle is safe to operate.
The Texas CDL permit exam is broken into three parts:
- General Knowledge – approximately 50 questions.
- Air Brakes – approximately 25 questions.
- Combination Vehicles – approximately 25 questions.
You must pass all three parts of the exam with an 80% score to get your Commercial Learner’s Permit. With your Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP) you can then begin behind-the-wheel CDL training. But what happens if you don’t pass the CDL written permit exam? The good news is you can take it again. In Texas you may take the written test only three times within a 90-day period. It is important to know the guidelines for your state.
How to Study for the CDL Exam?
To help you prepare for this comprehensive exam, take our free CDL Practice Tests. These tests will give you can idea of what is on the test and what areas you need to improve. With a little test prep and training from a DRC network school, you’ll go from studying for your permit to being a fully licensed commercial truck driver.
They key to passing any test is studying to ensure you are prepared come test day. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get ready:
- Team up with another student to review questions. Let’s be honest, finding the motivation to study can be difficult. Often teaming up with another student or friend can be mutually beneficial. This allows you to hold one another accountable for studying.
- Everything you need to know to pass the CDL exam is in your state’s driver manual. Therefore, studying the manual is essential. Some ways to study the material include creating flash cards and breaking the material into smaller chunks. Don’t try to learn the manual all at once.
- A lot of people take this step, but they don’t always realize how important it is. A practice test will give you an idea of what kinds of questions are on the actual exam so that when it comes time for real, all those hours spent studying will be well worth it.
Do I need to Study for the CDL Exam Before CDL School?
The first step in getting a CDL is to get a Commercial Learner’s Permit. This includes passing all three-parts of the CDL permit test. While it is beneficial to have your CLP before enrolling in CDL school it is not required. Part of CDL training will include preparing you for the CDL permit test.
We do recommend reviewing the CDL manual and taking a CDL practice test before coming to school. This will give you an idea of the material covered and give you a leg up.